This is an endeavour by an enthusiast of astrology to establish faith in this ancient and mysterious science of India. Feel free to mail me at for your consultations. Mail me your correct date, time and place of birth and wait to hear from me.

Also for all those who are interested in learning Vedic Astrology for Stock Market, visit my blog -
Stock Market and Vedic Astrology

FEEDBACK - I request to the readers of this blog to provide valuable feedback to help me furbish my skills. Merely voting negative on the poll is not going to be of much help to anyone learner. Feedback can either be comments for a particular post or email to me.

God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah

Sunday, February 26, 2012

I have started posting back

Hi Dear readers of my blog,

I have started to post again.

Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah


PJ said...

welcome back Abhishek!!! :)

rain of shooting stars said...

welcome back abhishek.... hope you answer our queries soon.