This is an endeavour by an enthusiast of astrology to establish faith in this ancient and mysterious science of India. Feel free to mail me at for your consultations. Mail me your correct date, time and place of birth and wait to hear from me.

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Stock Market and Vedic Astrology

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God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Token 24042010-II

Dear Token 24042010-II,

Firstly I dont know whether you are male/female but in the case of you being female, conceiving is a problem. In the case of male also you may not get what you want. I say this because of Saturn & Mercury sitting in 5th house. Saturn also may lead to some tussles in married life. Dont get worried reading all these negative things that I say because not all these things would manifest. When I say it some of these may be experienced by you. If your initial part of Rahu Mahadasha has been OK then the later part may trouble you a bit. Rahu may be creating financial troubles + misunderstandings with family.
You should immediately start chanting Bhairon Chalisa daily. 2016-19 should be a good period for you, it being the antardasha of Venus who is your lagna lord sitting in 10th house of career in Kumbha rashi. Hanuman Chalisa paath also would be very effective for you.
Oct 2012 - April 2016 should be better for you
Then May 2016-May 2019 again should be good for you

You are welcome to provide feedback and query further.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah

Token 24042010

Dear Token 24042010,

The only reason I see why you have low earnings is Rahu Mahadasha running and your lord of 2nd house that is the dhanesh being aspected by it. You are a hardworking person but you feel and it may happen that you dont get fruits commensurate to your hardwork. Time since mid 2001 has been in general struggling for you. Jupiter sitting in 12th house also explains that you may have a knack yourself for sciences like astrology. Although Rahu is exalted sitting in Lagna but a Kroor planet by its very nature will definitely manifest its Kroorta in some way or the other. Your horoscope in general is a good horoscope. Chant bhairon chalisa daily and if possible visit Bhairon temple. On saturdays give some black articles in Daan.
I dont know how in general things are with you. But Saturn gets you power also. It wont be a surprise to me that you are in some powerful position.

Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah