This is an endeavour by an enthusiast of astrology to establish faith in this ancient and mysterious science of India. Feel free to mail me at for your consultations. Mail me your correct date, time and place of birth and wait to hear from me.

Also for all those who are interested in learning Vedic Astrology for Stock Market, visit my blog -
Stock Market and Vedic Astrology

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God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A hypothesis for the basis of Astrology....

Moon causes tides on earth. It influences water. Human body is 75% water. So why wont changes in moon alter human body...this is one thing

Whales migrate from one part of earth to another and they are guided by the electromagnetic waves emmitted by Sun. When there is an electromagnetic storm on Sun, the whale loose their track. Whales are mammals and so are we. This shows that waves from Sun change the orientation of mind in whales. So waves from stars and those reflected from planets would be influencing the neuron patterns in our mind.

I dont know for sure but there is research going on the changes in human mind when a person is exposed to the rays of same wavelength as that emmitted by various planets.

Hope you find this small write-up interesting and intriguing

Abhishek Bhardwaj

Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah


Shashank Nag said...

Hello Sir,
Indeed a thought provoking article.
I never knew this part of you...

Shivalika Sharma said...

hey must say quite proud of u

Abhishek Bhardwaj said...

Dear Shashank,

Thankx...This part of mine is a recent development...hehe...i hope i become better

Abhishek Bhardwaj said...

Dear Shivalika,

Thank You. But you are yet to resend your birth details to me....once i give my predictions for send them again.. :)

Anonymous said...

My science teacher has told me that Saturn is a pretty barren planet and that it's impossible to find life there. He is the person who rigs me out my medication of Generic Viagra.