Dear All,
I have been keeping a little busy for quite some time and my availability on the internet has reduced. Hence I havent been able to post and reply to your queries. Kindly bear with me. Soon I will start posting again.
God Bless You All
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
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This is an endeavour by an enthusiast of astrology to establish faith in this ancient and mysterious science of India. Feel free to mail me at for your consultations. Mail me your correct date, time and place of birth and wait to hear from me.
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Stock Market and Vedic Astrology
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God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Also for all those who are interested in learning Vedic Astrology for Stock Market, visit my blog -
Stock Market and Vedic Astrology
FEEDBACK - I request to the readers of this blog to provide valuable feedback to help me furbish my skills. Merely voting negative on the poll is not going to be of much help to anyone learner. Feedback can either be comments for a particular post or email to me.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Token - 482009
Dear Token - 482009,
Reply to your queries is as given below -
1. From May 2010 onwards Jupiter which is responsible for ur career will be in a favorable position in its own Rashi i.e. Meena. Further strengthening of Jupiter will happen once ur Jupiter Antardasha starts Mercury-Jupiter from 28th February 2011 till 5th June 2013. I feel you should start expecting conditions for ur settlement to start becoming favorable from May 2010 onwards.
And definitely this Jupiter Antardasha which I mentioned before will further support the cause.
As far as going abroad is concerned, I feel till 28th February 2011 you are in your Mercury-Rahu Antardasha. Now Rahu is sitting in your 3rd house of short-distance journeys and apsects your 9th house of longer journeys. So even this time till 28th February 2011 favors foreign visits.
After that from 13th February 2016 your Ketu Mahadasha starts. This is a favorable period for going abroad for a significant period of time.
2. I feel 2011 should be the year of your marriage.
3. Dont worry about your general flow of life and luck. You will be a man that will earn alot of respect in society in your career. You will be aggresive in your career which will be good for you. You will spend on religious matters and do Dharma-Karma. I wont be surprised if at some point of time you think of doing business. Get back to me whenever this though crosses your mind.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Reply to your queries is as given below -
1. From May 2010 onwards Jupiter which is responsible for ur career will be in a favorable position in its own Rashi i.e. Meena. Further strengthening of Jupiter will happen once ur Jupiter Antardasha starts Mercury-Jupiter from 28th February 2011 till 5th June 2013. I feel you should start expecting conditions for ur settlement to start becoming favorable from May 2010 onwards.
And definitely this Jupiter Antardasha which I mentioned before will further support the cause.
As far as going abroad is concerned, I feel till 28th February 2011 you are in your Mercury-Rahu Antardasha. Now Rahu is sitting in your 3rd house of short-distance journeys and apsects your 9th house of longer journeys. So even this time till 28th February 2011 favors foreign visits.
After that from 13th February 2016 your Ketu Mahadasha starts. This is a favorable period for going abroad for a significant period of time.
2. I feel 2011 should be the year of your marriage.
3. Dont worry about your general flow of life and luck. You will be a man that will earn alot of respect in society in your career. You will be aggresive in your career which will be good for you. You will spend on religious matters and do Dharma-Karma. I wont be surprised if at some point of time you think of doing business. Get back to me whenever this though crosses your mind.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Token - 2372009
Dear Token - 2372009,
Reply to your queries is as follows -
1. From my analysis and your feedback, it seems that Rahu and Saturn have played a malefic role for the past 7 years for you. Here are the details of Dasha-Antardasha that you have undergone/undergoing -
Jupiter-Rahu 23rd March 2002 to 16th August 2004
Saturn-Saturn 16th August 2004 to 20th August 2007
Saturn-Mercury 20th August 2007 to 29th April 2010
Now as per you your problems began in March 2002 when you had Jupiter-Rahu time.
Now after August 2007 you had improvement which is pretty much the time when your Saturn-Mercury time started.
So you see Rahu and Saturn acted malefic for you. When Mercury antardasha came after August 2007 you had a comparatively much better time and its still going on and will continue till April 2010 as stated above.
So you must placate Rahu and Saturn. For Saturn do Hanuman Chalisa daily and give kaale til in Sarson ka tel in Shani mandir on Saturdays. No need to give huge amounts. just a katori full would do. For Rahu give Roti to a dog everyday. It should be the first roti of the house. Read Bhairon Chalisa everyday.
2. Result of your exam - Well you are currently running Saturn-Mercury-Jupiter, from 16th July 2009 to 24th November 2009. Now Jupiter is your Lagnesh since you are Dhanu Lagna and Lord of Dhanu Rashi is Jupiter. Now remember Lagnesh is father-figure and it is duty bound to help the person like a child. Mercury is your lord of 7th and 10th house. Now 7th house is of promotions and professional upliftment. 10th house is for career and respect that you get. Also your Jupiter is sitting in its own Rashi in 1st house and from its 5th aspect (drishti) it is looking at 5th house which is of education by choice. So I feel this period is good and you should clear your exams. Also this period is good for getting a job. So from job point of view also this period is good.
3. Remember this Saturn in your horoscope is going to test your patience and give you what we can call in Hindi "Ragda". So be patient. You will work hard in this Saturn Mahadasha. This Mahadasha is from 16th August 2004 till 17th August 2023. Now sub period that is coming next would be Saturn-Ketu from 29th April 2010 till 8th June 2011. Then next period is 8th June 2010 till 7th August 2014 of Saturn-Venus. Even this Ketu period will make you work hard.
4. I dont see problems with your finances. Saturn is Lord of your 2nd house and sitting in 11th house. Now 2nd house is Dhan Bhaav and 11th house is Laabh Bhaav. So your Dhanesh is sitting in Laabh bhaav. Be rest assured regarding y our finances.
5. Well I see planets favoring more business than service.
6. Health - You will have good health as your lagnesh Jupiter is sitting in its own Rashi in 1st house. Now 1st house is for the physique. From looking at your horoscope it seems, you should have medium to tall height. wheatish to fair complexion (more on the fairer side), you should be plump, should be having spectacles, you may develop blood pressure at a later stage (family might be having blood pressure history). Overall your health will be good for a simple reason that Lord of 1st house Jupiter is sitting in 1st house.
7. Wear Panna (even 2 1/4 carats will do in gold, as ring in your little finger)
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Reply to your queries is as follows -
1. From my analysis and your feedback, it seems that Rahu and Saturn have played a malefic role for the past 7 years for you. Here are the details of Dasha-Antardasha that you have undergone/undergoing -
Jupiter-Rahu 23rd March 2002 to 16th August 2004
Saturn-Saturn 16th August 2004 to 20th August 2007
Saturn-Mercury 20th August 2007 to 29th April 2010
Now as per you your problems began in March 2002 when you had Jupiter-Rahu time.
Now after August 2007 you had improvement which is pretty much the time when your Saturn-Mercury time started.
So you see Rahu and Saturn acted malefic for you. When Mercury antardasha came after August 2007 you had a comparatively much better time and its still going on and will continue till April 2010 as stated above.
So you must placate Rahu and Saturn. For Saturn do Hanuman Chalisa daily and give kaale til in Sarson ka tel in Shani mandir on Saturdays. No need to give huge amounts. just a katori full would do. For Rahu give Roti to a dog everyday. It should be the first roti of the house. Read Bhairon Chalisa everyday.
2. Result of your exam - Well you are currently running Saturn-Mercury-Jupiter, from 16th July 2009 to 24th November 2009. Now Jupiter is your Lagnesh since you are Dhanu Lagna and Lord of Dhanu Rashi is Jupiter. Now remember Lagnesh is father-figure and it is duty bound to help the person like a child. Mercury is your lord of 7th and 10th house. Now 7th house is of promotions and professional upliftment. 10th house is for career and respect that you get. Also your Jupiter is sitting in its own Rashi in 1st house and from its 5th aspect (drishti) it is looking at 5th house which is of education by choice. So I feel this period is good and you should clear your exams. Also this period is good for getting a job. So from job point of view also this period is good.
3. Remember this Saturn in your horoscope is going to test your patience and give you what we can call in Hindi "Ragda". So be patient. You will work hard in this Saturn Mahadasha. This Mahadasha is from 16th August 2004 till 17th August 2023. Now sub period that is coming next would be Saturn-Ketu from 29th April 2010 till 8th June 2011. Then next period is 8th June 2010 till 7th August 2014 of Saturn-Venus. Even this Ketu period will make you work hard.
4. I dont see problems with your finances. Saturn is Lord of your 2nd house and sitting in 11th house. Now 2nd house is Dhan Bhaav and 11th house is Laabh Bhaav. So your Dhanesh is sitting in Laabh bhaav. Be rest assured regarding y our finances.
5. Well I see planets favoring more business than service.
6. Health - You will have good health as your lagnesh Jupiter is sitting in its own Rashi in 1st house. Now 1st house is for the physique. From looking at your horoscope it seems, you should have medium to tall height. wheatish to fair complexion (more on the fairer side), you should be plump, should be having spectacles, you may develop blood pressure at a later stage (family might be having blood pressure history). Overall your health will be good for a simple reason that Lord of 1st house Jupiter is sitting in 1st house.
7. Wear Panna (even 2 1/4 carats will do in gold, as ring in your little finger)
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Token - 2172009
Dear Token - 2172009,
Reply to your queries is as given below -
1. Well I see no problems as far as having a healthy child is concerned. You should take good care of your health to ensure that. No worries. And time is here. I would say if you are expecting at some time then kindly let me know, so that I may tell you whether the time is favorable.
Saturn is Lord of 5th house and 5th house is responsible for children. Saturn is sitting in 11th house of gains indicating gains from children's side. Your husband has favorable planets being in Moon-Saturn Dasha till 17th Aug 2010.
To have added advantage you should do Puja for Goddess Durga. Kunjika Stotra and 32 names of Durga. Every friday visit temple for Durga.
2. Time for job is right even now. You are in your Rahu-Moon Dasha from 26th November 2008. Now Moon is lord of 7th house sitting in Lagna and giving 7th aspect to its own house. 7th house is house of professional upliftment. Keep looking. Next Dasha is Rahu-Mars starting 28th May 2010. Now Mars also is Lord of 4th house and 11th house sitting in 9th house. 11th house for gains and 4th house for hapiness.
3. Your husband's career is going to be good. Infact this is a very good time. He will have good professional upliftment. He is running his Moon Mahadasha. Moon is lord of 10th house which is of career. After 16th January 2009 his dasha running is Rahu-Saturn. Now Saturn is Yogkaraka planet for Tula Lagna and he is Tula Lagna. Also Saturn is sitting in 11th house in his house of gains as I mentioned in Point 1 above. So this is favorable time for him. He has exalted jupiter sitting in 10th house. Now Jupiter is a sage, a Guru, a significator of wisdom, money, gold, dharma etc. 10th house is for career and respect. So rest assured his career is bright.
PS - You should do daily Puja of Goddess Durga which I mentioned above. It is good for you throughout life.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Reply to your queries is as given below -
1. Well I see no problems as far as having a healthy child is concerned. You should take good care of your health to ensure that. No worries. And time is here. I would say if you are expecting at some time then kindly let me know, so that I may tell you whether the time is favorable.
Saturn is Lord of 5th house and 5th house is responsible for children. Saturn is sitting in 11th house of gains indicating gains from children's side. Your husband has favorable planets being in Moon-Saturn Dasha till 17th Aug 2010.
To have added advantage you should do Puja for Goddess Durga. Kunjika Stotra and 32 names of Durga. Every friday visit temple for Durga.
2. Time for job is right even now. You are in your Rahu-Moon Dasha from 26th November 2008. Now Moon is lord of 7th house sitting in Lagna and giving 7th aspect to its own house. 7th house is house of professional upliftment. Keep looking. Next Dasha is Rahu-Mars starting 28th May 2010. Now Mars also is Lord of 4th house and 11th house sitting in 9th house. 11th house for gains and 4th house for hapiness.
3. Your husband's career is going to be good. Infact this is a very good time. He will have good professional upliftment. He is running his Moon Mahadasha. Moon is lord of 10th house which is of career. After 16th January 2009 his dasha running is Rahu-Saturn. Now Saturn is Yogkaraka planet for Tula Lagna and he is Tula Lagna. Also Saturn is sitting in 11th house in his house of gains as I mentioned in Point 1 above. So this is favorable time for him. He has exalted jupiter sitting in 10th house. Now Jupiter is a sage, a Guru, a significator of wisdom, money, gold, dharma etc. 10th house is for career and respect. So rest assured his career is bright.
PS - You should do daily Puja of Goddess Durga which I mentioned above. It is good for you throughout life.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Going more specific in Astrology
Dear All,
I was wondering how can the quality of predictions be made more precise. Obviously the key lies in analyzing smaller and smaller periods. This would require breaking a 30 degree house further. Krishnamurthypaddhati is based on this concept of breaking 30 degrees further into Subs.
Given below is a link which is very good to understand the basis of KP system -
Happy Reading
I was wondering how can the quality of predictions be made more precise. Obviously the key lies in analyzing smaller and smaller periods. This would require breaking a 30 degree house further. Krishnamurthypaddhati is based on this concept of breaking 30 degrees further into Subs.
Given below is a link which is very good to understand the basis of KP system -
Happy Reading
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Very good Puja for Surya (Sun)
Dear All,
Given below is the link for Aditya Hridaya Stotram which is a very effective Puja for Sun.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Given below is the link for Aditya Hridaya Stotram which is a very effective Puja for Sun.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 1872009
Dear Token - 1872009,
Reply to your queries is as follows -
1. If having all planets between Rahu and Ketu is what you call Kaal Sarpa Dosha then my answer is yes. But there are conflicting views about any such Yoga. Infact as per many astrologers no such Yoga exists. Even Jawahar Lal Nehru had this type of arrangement in his horoscope and wee all know about his grand life and his qualities.
Regarding your query of how does it impact your life. Well presence of Rahu in your 12th house can mean debts, enemies and impediments in your life due to its 7th aspect on 6th house. You may face problems with your job. People may due to some misunderstanding become hostile to you. You may develop unexplained illnesses.
Rahu looks at your 4th house which is of mental peace and hapiness. So it may trouble you mentally and give you mental occupation.
Remedy for Rahu -
Do daan for Rahu everyday by giving Roti preferably to a black dog. Giving Roti to any dog is enough. Read Bhairon Chalisa everyday. Do Kunjika Stotra and 32 names of Durga everyday.
2. As per me your first Saadhesaati happened between April 1998 to September 2004. Now during that period your Vimshottari Dasha was as follows -
Rahu-Jupiter (Full Part of it) September 98 to February 2001
Rahu-Saturn (Full Part of it) February 2001 to December 2003
Rahu-Mercury (Partial) December 2003 to July 2006.
Now I feel your first Saadhesaati was horrible not due to Shani but due to Rahu. Infact I feel foundation for your miseries would have been laid from January 96 itself. You had your Rahu-Rahu dasha from January 96 to September 98.
Remember one thing that for Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) Shani is yog karaka grah being Lord of 4th and 5th house. And your Shani is sitting in 11th house of gains.
So I feel its the Rahu and the Rahu Mahadasha which must have given you a hard time then.
Still for Tula Lagna doing Hanuman Chalisa is good because it makes happy Shani which is a Yog Karaka planet for Tula Lagna.
3. Well I would say your chances of coming to India are less. Your 7th house Lord is Mangal which is sitting in 12th house. I would say that this means after marriage you would have gone to foreign land. Probability of your husband staying abroad is high. Infact I wont be surprised to know that after your marriage your husband got a chance to go abroad.
4. Regarding finances your Lord of 2nd house is Mangal which is Dhanesh and its sitting in 12th house of expenses. Also it is conjunct with Rahu in 12th house. Rahu also looks at house of service. So I would say savings would be difficult for money under your name. I would have to look at your husband's horoscope and see what does his planets say about finances. For finances again I would say that do Hanuman Chalisa daily. It is good for your finances.
You have the following Dashas and their timings -
Rahu-Venus (July 2007 to July 2010)
Rahu-Sun (July 2010 to June 2011)
Rahu - Moon (June 2011 to December 2012)
Now Venus is your lagnesh (significator for your life in general), Sun is your Labhesh (for gains) and Moon is your Karmesh (for respect in society and work). So these Antardashas should prove better vis-a-vis the time that has already passed.
Sun is your most important planet. Doing Puja for Sun will help improve your income and also respect in society. You should everyday give water to sun. Stand in front of Sun in the morning. Pour water facing the Sun and look at it through the water. While pouring water Chant Gayatri Mantra 11 times. Do this daily strictly. It will really be helpful for you. Doing Aditya Hriday Stotra daily would be even better.
5. Regarding your married life. Well I feel you would have got married at around 28 years of age because Mangal is your 7th house lord which is the house of husband. Now Mangal is sitting in 12th house of expenses. So it leads to expenditure of married life and its bliss. Also its under the influence of Rahu which is also sitting in 12th house and aspecting 6th house which is the 12th house from the 7th house. Now the 12th house from any house leads to expenditure of the fruits of that house. Therefore Rahu is further adding fuel to fire.
Now Rahu is a planet that tries to create misunderstandings. Your Sun sitting in 10th house makes you Swabhimaani (little bit egoistic). It seems you have certain principles and you are pure at heart but sometimes you end up a victim of ego. My suggestion is be more understanding. Doing Puja for Sun as mentioned above would definitely help. Also Hanuman Chalisa would help your married life.
I dont feel that divorce is possible. So just be more understanding I feel. Do all the Puja's that I mentioned and I am sure things would be taken care of.
Well I have answered all your queries.
Kindly give me a feedback. Also there is a poll on my blog. Please vote as per your judgement.
Feel free to query further.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Reply to your queries is as follows -
1. If having all planets between Rahu and Ketu is what you call Kaal Sarpa Dosha then my answer is yes. But there are conflicting views about any such Yoga. Infact as per many astrologers no such Yoga exists. Even Jawahar Lal Nehru had this type of arrangement in his horoscope and wee all know about his grand life and his qualities.
Regarding your query of how does it impact your life. Well presence of Rahu in your 12th house can mean debts, enemies and impediments in your life due to its 7th aspect on 6th house. You may face problems with your job. People may due to some misunderstanding become hostile to you. You may develop unexplained illnesses.
Rahu looks at your 4th house which is of mental peace and hapiness. So it may trouble you mentally and give you mental occupation.
Remedy for Rahu -
Do daan for Rahu everyday by giving Roti preferably to a black dog. Giving Roti to any dog is enough. Read Bhairon Chalisa everyday. Do Kunjika Stotra and 32 names of Durga everyday.
2. As per me your first Saadhesaati happened between April 1998 to September 2004. Now during that period your Vimshottari Dasha was as follows -
Rahu-Jupiter (Full Part of it) September 98 to February 2001
Rahu-Saturn (Full Part of it) February 2001 to December 2003
Rahu-Mercury (Partial) December 2003 to July 2006.
Now I feel your first Saadhesaati was horrible not due to Shani but due to Rahu. Infact I feel foundation for your miseries would have been laid from January 96 itself. You had your Rahu-Rahu dasha from January 96 to September 98.
Remember one thing that for Tula Lagna (Libra Ascendant) Shani is yog karaka grah being Lord of 4th and 5th house. And your Shani is sitting in 11th house of gains.
So I feel its the Rahu and the Rahu Mahadasha which must have given you a hard time then.
Still for Tula Lagna doing Hanuman Chalisa is good because it makes happy Shani which is a Yog Karaka planet for Tula Lagna.
3. Well I would say your chances of coming to India are less. Your 7th house Lord is Mangal which is sitting in 12th house. I would say that this means after marriage you would have gone to foreign land. Probability of your husband staying abroad is high. Infact I wont be surprised to know that after your marriage your husband got a chance to go abroad.
4. Regarding finances your Lord of 2nd house is Mangal which is Dhanesh and its sitting in 12th house of expenses. Also it is conjunct with Rahu in 12th house. Rahu also looks at house of service. So I would say savings would be difficult for money under your name. I would have to look at your husband's horoscope and see what does his planets say about finances. For finances again I would say that do Hanuman Chalisa daily. It is good for your finances.
You have the following Dashas and their timings -
Rahu-Venus (July 2007 to July 2010)
Rahu-Sun (July 2010 to June 2011)
Rahu - Moon (June 2011 to December 2012)
Now Venus is your lagnesh (significator for your life in general), Sun is your Labhesh (for gains) and Moon is your Karmesh (for respect in society and work). So these Antardashas should prove better vis-a-vis the time that has already passed.
Sun is your most important planet. Doing Puja for Sun will help improve your income and also respect in society. You should everyday give water to sun. Stand in front of Sun in the morning. Pour water facing the Sun and look at it through the water. While pouring water Chant Gayatri Mantra 11 times. Do this daily strictly. It will really be helpful for you. Doing Aditya Hriday Stotra daily would be even better.
5. Regarding your married life. Well I feel you would have got married at around 28 years of age because Mangal is your 7th house lord which is the house of husband. Now Mangal is sitting in 12th house of expenses. So it leads to expenditure of married life and its bliss. Also its under the influence of Rahu which is also sitting in 12th house and aspecting 6th house which is the 12th house from the 7th house. Now the 12th house from any house leads to expenditure of the fruits of that house. Therefore Rahu is further adding fuel to fire.
Now Rahu is a planet that tries to create misunderstandings. Your Sun sitting in 10th house makes you Swabhimaani (little bit egoistic). It seems you have certain principles and you are pure at heart but sometimes you end up a victim of ego. My suggestion is be more understanding. Doing Puja for Sun as mentioned above would definitely help. Also Hanuman Chalisa would help your married life.
I dont feel that divorce is possible. So just be more understanding I feel. Do all the Puja's that I mentioned and I am sure things would be taken care of.
Well I have answered all your queries.
Kindly give me a feedback. Also there is a poll on my blog. Please vote as per your judgement.
Feel free to query further.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Monday, July 13, 2009
Token - 1372009(2)
Dear Token - 1372009(2),
My reply to your query is as follows -
1. The time of 2002-2003 in which you prospered you had your Moon Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha. You have Sun-Mercury conjunct in 7th house. 7th house is house of Business. Your investment in Stock Market amounts to business as you are the decision-making authority and its your money that is being used. Now Venus is in 8th house which is the second house from your 7th house. Now for every house, the 2nd house from it is responsible for giving fruit to that house. So Venus is 8th house is good for business.
This is the reason why you earned well in that period.
2. From 10th June 2004 your Mangal Mahadasha started. Now Mangal is sitting in 6th house and is Lord of 11th house of gains. Also Rahu is sitting with Mangal in 6th house and also Rahu is of Neecha. Now 6th house is house responsible for Rog, Ripu, Rin (Disease, Enemy, Debt).
This is why you started seing a downtrend in your finance and ultimatele ended in Debt.
3. Your Rahu Antardasha started on 4th March 2005 and lasted till 22nd March 2006. In this period Rahu gave debt to you. After this period you were able to payoff your debt and by your Mercury Antardasha (6th April 2008 to 3rd April 2009) you got rid of your debt.
4. Now Mangal is natural significator (Karaka) for House. Now as you are telling me that your house loan is still pending, it further affirms effect of Rahu sitting with Mangal in 6th house.
5. From 30th August 2009 till 30th October 2010, your Venus Antardasha would be there. You can think of some gains through stock trading. Read my post on Stock Market and Astrology which might be of help to you.
6. Rahu Mahadasha would start from 6th October 2011 till 6th October 2029. In this Dasha, I feel you should abstain yourself from trading in stocks or taking any sort of debt. You should abstain yourself from selling your house.
7. I feel Rahu needs to be appeased in your case and throught your life it needs to be done. Rahu gives you uncertainity in your finances. You should do the following Puja -
a. 32 names of Durga
b. Bhairon Chalisa
c. Donate black things on Saturday
d. Kunjika Stotra
God Bless you
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
My reply to your query is as follows -
1. The time of 2002-2003 in which you prospered you had your Moon Mahadasha and Venus Antardasha. You have Sun-Mercury conjunct in 7th house. 7th house is house of Business. Your investment in Stock Market amounts to business as you are the decision-making authority and its your money that is being used. Now Venus is in 8th house which is the second house from your 7th house. Now for every house, the 2nd house from it is responsible for giving fruit to that house. So Venus is 8th house is good for business.
This is the reason why you earned well in that period.
2. From 10th June 2004 your Mangal Mahadasha started. Now Mangal is sitting in 6th house and is Lord of 11th house of gains. Also Rahu is sitting with Mangal in 6th house and also Rahu is of Neecha. Now 6th house is house responsible for Rog, Ripu, Rin (Disease, Enemy, Debt).
This is why you started seing a downtrend in your finance and ultimatele ended in Debt.
3. Your Rahu Antardasha started on 4th March 2005 and lasted till 22nd March 2006. In this period Rahu gave debt to you. After this period you were able to payoff your debt and by your Mercury Antardasha (6th April 2008 to 3rd April 2009) you got rid of your debt.
4. Now Mangal is natural significator (Karaka) for House. Now as you are telling me that your house loan is still pending, it further affirms effect of Rahu sitting with Mangal in 6th house.
5. From 30th August 2009 till 30th October 2010, your Venus Antardasha would be there. You can think of some gains through stock trading. Read my post on Stock Market and Astrology which might be of help to you.
6. Rahu Mahadasha would start from 6th October 2011 till 6th October 2029. In this Dasha, I feel you should abstain yourself from trading in stocks or taking any sort of debt. You should abstain yourself from selling your house.
7. I feel Rahu needs to be appeased in your case and throught your life it needs to be done. Rahu gives you uncertainity in your finances. You should do the following Puja -
a. 32 names of Durga
b. Bhairon Chalisa
c. Donate black things on Saturday
d. Kunjika Stotra
God Bless you
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 1372009
Dear Token - 1372009,
Reply to your query is as follows -
1. Rahu is currently in 10th Zodiac Sign i.e. Capricorn. Now Capricorn falls in your 4th house. 4th house is also of residence, primarily birthplace. Now Rahu would remain in this zodiac till mid-November. So till this time a change in your place of residence is very much possible. It is observed that Rahu transiting through 4th house leads to change of residence.
2. Already Saturn is your 4th house lord sitting in 12th house which is considered house for foreign land. So already a favorable position to move away from birth place for prosperity is indicated.
3. From 26th November 2009 your Jupiter antardasha is starting. Now Jupiter is in its own Zodiac i.e. Pisces This should be a good time for you.
4. Currently your Vimshotari dasha is Ra-Ra. I would advise that in this period you abstain yourself from selling your house. This period would last till 26th November 2009. Just a matter of months. Why not wait. Once Jupiter Antardasha starts from 26th November 2009 it should benefit you in work area.
So have patience and wait.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Reply to your query is as follows -
1. Rahu is currently in 10th Zodiac Sign i.e. Capricorn. Now Capricorn falls in your 4th house. 4th house is also of residence, primarily birthplace. Now Rahu would remain in this zodiac till mid-November. So till this time a change in your place of residence is very much possible. It is observed that Rahu transiting through 4th house leads to change of residence.
2. Already Saturn is your 4th house lord sitting in 12th house which is considered house for foreign land. So already a favorable position to move away from birth place for prosperity is indicated.
3. From 26th November 2009 your Jupiter antardasha is starting. Now Jupiter is in its own Zodiac i.e. Pisces This should be a good time for you.
4. Currently your Vimshotari dasha is Ra-Ra. I would advise that in this period you abstain yourself from selling your house. This period would last till 26th November 2009. Just a matter of months. Why not wait. Once Jupiter Antardasha starts from 26th November 2009 it should benefit you in work area.
So have patience and wait.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Token - 1272009(3)
Dear Token - 1272009(3),
Following is my reply to your queries -
1. You have Moon Antardasha from 16th July 2009 to 1st October 2009. Then you have Mars Antardasha from 1st October 2009 to 25th November 2009. Now Moon is Lord of 7th house and 7th house is responsible for professional upliftment. Mars is lord of 4th and 11th house. 4th house is responsible for hapiness and 11th house for gains.
2. Currently Rahu is in Makar (10th Rashi) and Jupiter is also heading in Makar Rashi. Now Makar Rashi is in your Lagna i.e. 1st house.
By point 1 what I mean to say is that time from 16th July 2009 to 25th November 2009 should be better for your career.
By Point 2 what I mean to say is that current placement of planets would improve in November and by mid-December it would have improved sustantially for you.
3. You have Sun and Mercury together in 1st house forming Budhadhiya Yog. Now it is seen that people with this Yog often go for Post Graduation. So you may think in that direction. Also keep looking for another job in this period I mentioned in Point 1.
4. Do Durga Puja for Venus. You should read 32 names of Durga and Kunjika Stotra. You should also do Hanuman Chalisa. Do them Daily. It would hardly take 10 minutes.
As far as love life is concerned, I feel this is the time you should concentrate on your career and think about these things later.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Following is my reply to your queries -
1. You have Moon Antardasha from 16th July 2009 to 1st October 2009. Then you have Mars Antardasha from 1st October 2009 to 25th November 2009. Now Moon is Lord of 7th house and 7th house is responsible for professional upliftment. Mars is lord of 4th and 11th house. 4th house is responsible for hapiness and 11th house for gains.
2. Currently Rahu is in Makar (10th Rashi) and Jupiter is also heading in Makar Rashi. Now Makar Rashi is in your Lagna i.e. 1st house.
By point 1 what I mean to say is that time from 16th July 2009 to 25th November 2009 should be better for your career.
By Point 2 what I mean to say is that current placement of planets would improve in November and by mid-December it would have improved sustantially for you.
3. You have Sun and Mercury together in 1st house forming Budhadhiya Yog. Now it is seen that people with this Yog often go for Post Graduation. So you may think in that direction. Also keep looking for another job in this period I mentioned in Point 1.
4. Do Durga Puja for Venus. You should read 32 names of Durga and Kunjika Stotra. You should also do Hanuman Chalisa. Do them Daily. It would hardly take 10 minutes.
As far as love life is concerned, I feel this is the time you should concentrate on your career and think about these things later.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 1272009(2)
Dear Token - 1272009(2),
Regarding your finances, first let me bring you some inferential background after reading your horoscope.
1. You have neecha Rahu sitting in 6th house. 6th house is responsible for Debt in life.
2. You have neecha Rahu sitting in 2nd house in Navamsha chart. 2nd house is for money.
3. You have Rahu in Simha Rashi in 1st house in your Hora Chart(Divisional Chart D-2). Hora Chart is for wealth in a person's life.
Tell me one thing by mail that did you take Debt between March 2005 to March 2006 or any point of time quite close to this period?
Also it seems you are probably in business. Is it true? Kindly reply to these questions through mail to help get a better grasp of your horoscope.
From this I feel that Rahu impacts your financial condition alot in life. Since Rahu is there in your birth chart, you cannot change it. But what you can do is placate Rahu by doing Puja. And please dont get scared after reading this. It just means that you need to do Puja for Rahu. All of us have some wrong positions in our horoscopes.
I would advise you to do the following remedies for Rahu -
1. Durga Ji ke Batees Naam (32 names of Durga)
2. Kunjika Stotra of Durga
3. Bhairon Chalisa
4. Daan (Everyday just one Roti to a black dog preferably)
Things will work out.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Regarding your finances, first let me bring you some inferential background after reading your horoscope.
1. You have neecha Rahu sitting in 6th house. 6th house is responsible for Debt in life.
2. You have neecha Rahu sitting in 2nd house in Navamsha chart. 2nd house is for money.
3. You have Rahu in Simha Rashi in 1st house in your Hora Chart(Divisional Chart D-2). Hora Chart is for wealth in a person's life.
Tell me one thing by mail that did you take Debt between March 2005 to March 2006 or any point of time quite close to this period?
Also it seems you are probably in business. Is it true? Kindly reply to these questions through mail to help get a better grasp of your horoscope.
From this I feel that Rahu impacts your financial condition alot in life. Since Rahu is there in your birth chart, you cannot change it. But what you can do is placate Rahu by doing Puja. And please dont get scared after reading this. It just means that you need to do Puja for Rahu. All of us have some wrong positions in our horoscopes.
I would advise you to do the following remedies for Rahu -
1. Durga Ji ke Batees Naam (32 names of Durga)
2. Kunjika Stotra of Durga
3. Bhairon Chalisa
4. Daan (Everyday just one Roti to a black dog preferably)
Things will work out.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 1272009 (About learning astrology)
Dear Token - 872009,
I agree with you that the more books you refer to about Phalit Jyotish, the more opinions you get about placement of various planets. Well first of all remember that whatever is written in any book about placement of planets in various houses is something that has been written only about a particular planet in a particular house. In astrology you cant look at things in isolation. So collective inference of all planets, all rashis, all houses, dashas, gocharas, divisional charts, horoscopes of immediate relatives (for example for husband's life expectancy, we must give a look to wife's horoscope) etc need to be seen.
So my advice to you is that read any phalit book (Like Phaldeepika of Publisher Motilal Banarsidas). Then afterwards read the book Jatak Parichay by Shri Raman which comes in two parts and contains lots of case studies. This book will help you apply whatever you have learnt totally and collectively. Then you would learn to take a collective view.
Following website is very good and contains case studies. The author of this website is Mr Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. He is extremely good and this website is very useful.
Happy learning and God bless you.
PS - While learning please include me if you come across something interesting so that everyone benefits by your learning. I would be extremely happy to publish good knowledgable inputs from you on my blog.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
I agree with you that the more books you refer to about Phalit Jyotish, the more opinions you get about placement of various planets. Well first of all remember that whatever is written in any book about placement of planets in various houses is something that has been written only about a particular planet in a particular house. In astrology you cant look at things in isolation. So collective inference of all planets, all rashis, all houses, dashas, gocharas, divisional charts, horoscopes of immediate relatives (for example for husband's life expectancy, we must give a look to wife's horoscope) etc need to be seen.
So my advice to you is that read any phalit book (Like Phaldeepika of Publisher Motilal Banarsidas). Then afterwards read the book Jatak Parichay by Shri Raman which comes in two parts and contains lots of case studies. This book will help you apply whatever you have learnt totally and collectively. Then you would learn to take a collective view.
Following website is very good and contains case studies. The author of this website is Mr Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A. He is extremely good and this website is very useful.
Happy learning and God bless you.
PS - While learning please include me if you come across something interesting so that everyone benefits by your learning. I would be extremely happy to publish good knowledgable inputs from you on my blog.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Token - 1172009(2)
Dear Token - 1172009(2),
Following are my readings about your horoscope -
1. You should have a yellowish tinge to your complexion.
2. 1990 to 2000 was a very good period for you work and profession. You should be good in marketing and also have good leadership qualities.
3. I wont be surprised if you are a Post Graduate.
4. Your enemies beware as you are able to conquer your enemies.
5. You must have benefited by travelling to places away from your motherland.
6. 2009 to 2015 is should be a very good period for you.
7. You should be having spectacles.
8. Routine diseases related to Stomach like indigestion, gas etc is possible.
Feel free to provide feedback and ask any specific queries. Your feedback is important for me.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Following are my readings about your horoscope -
1. You should have a yellowish tinge to your complexion.
2. 1990 to 2000 was a very good period for you work and profession. You should be good in marketing and also have good leadership qualities.
3. I wont be surprised if you are a Post Graduate.
4. Your enemies beware as you are able to conquer your enemies.
5. You must have benefited by travelling to places away from your motherland.
6. 2009 to 2015 is should be a very good period for you.
7. You should be having spectacles.
8. Routine diseases related to Stomach like indigestion, gas etc is possible.
Feel free to provide feedback and ask any specific queries. Your feedback is important for me.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 1172009
Dear Token - 1172009,
You dont have to worry at all.
Your Mars Antardasha as per me starts from 2nd September 2009. This would be a very fruitful time for you. Support from home, money, career side...
Then once your Jupiter Mahadasha starts, it would be a very good period for you.
Your Sun and mercury are conjunct making Budhadhiya Yoga. You should be able to do Post Graduation. Saturn in 9th house means journeys to the West. Jupiter in 12th house means expenditure for good purposes.
Rahu would be entering 9th Rashi i.e. Dhanu in November which is in your 10th house. So it would have a tendency to take you away from your current place of residence if its your birthplace.
I do feel for Rahu lifelong you should do Puja and Daan.
For Puja you should do Kunjika Stotra & 32 names of Goddess Durga daily.
For daan give Roti to a dog. Give useful Daan of black things like black cloth, kaale udad etc to needy every saturday.
Do Puja regularly.
Be rest assured coming time is good for you. Overall your horoscope is good.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
You dont have to worry at all.
Your Mars Antardasha as per me starts from 2nd September 2009. This would be a very fruitful time for you. Support from home, money, career side...
Then once your Jupiter Mahadasha starts, it would be a very good period for you.
Your Sun and mercury are conjunct making Budhadhiya Yoga. You should be able to do Post Graduation. Saturn in 9th house means journeys to the West. Jupiter in 12th house means expenditure for good purposes.
Rahu would be entering 9th Rashi i.e. Dhanu in November which is in your 10th house. So it would have a tendency to take you away from your current place of residence if its your birthplace.
I do feel for Rahu lifelong you should do Puja and Daan.
For Puja you should do Kunjika Stotra & 32 names of Goddess Durga daily.
For daan give Roti to a dog. Give useful Daan of black things like black cloth, kaale udad etc to needy every saturday.
Do Puja regularly.
Be rest assured coming time is good for you. Overall your horoscope is good.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 872009(4) - Part I (Contd)
Dear Token - 872009(4) ,
In continuation of my previous post to your queries, given below are replies to your further queries -
1. As I told you before, your finances should start improving from 3rd week of December 2009. From 2010 onwards you should be improving.
2. You should definitely try to do MBA. As I told you before your planets favor Post Graduation.
3. Buddy have patience. You are running your Saturn Antardasha and Saturn is testing your patience. Your Saturn Antardasha is from 19th Feb 2009 till 2nd September 2011. This Saturn will test you and after this period it would grant you everything.
4. Do Puja for Chandrama.
Link is -
5. Do Puja for Shani i.e. Hanuman Chalisa.
On a personal note let me tell you that problems keep coming in life. I may not mention but I am also facing alot of problems. No big deal. Have faith and do alot of Puja. I am doing the same and work hard. things will work out.
My punchline for you is -
"Mushkil Waqt Commando Sakht"
This time will pass away. Your horoscope is good.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
In continuation of my previous post to your queries, given below are replies to your further queries -
1. As I told you before, your finances should start improving from 3rd week of December 2009. From 2010 onwards you should be improving.
2. You should definitely try to do MBA. As I told you before your planets favor Post Graduation.
3. Buddy have patience. You are running your Saturn Antardasha and Saturn is testing your patience. Your Saturn Antardasha is from 19th Feb 2009 till 2nd September 2011. This Saturn will test you and after this period it would grant you everything.
4. Do Puja for Chandrama.
Link is -
5. Do Puja for Shani i.e. Hanuman Chalisa.
On a personal note let me tell you that problems keep coming in life. I may not mention but I am also facing alot of problems. No big deal. Have faith and do alot of Puja. I am doing the same and work hard. things will work out.
My punchline for you is -
"Mushkil Waqt Commando Sakht"
This time will pass away. Your horoscope is good.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Friday, July 10, 2009
Links for some important Pujas for Planetary Afflictions
Given below are links for some Pujas that we can do for various deities and also Grahas -
Various Pujas like Sahastranaams, Kavachas, Stotrams etc. -
Kunjika Stotra -
Various Pujas like Sahastranaams, Kavachas, Stotrams etc. -
Kunjika Stotra -
Token - 872009(4)
Dear Token - 872009(4)
Following are the replies to your queries -
1. You are going to have an average luck in life. I think you will depend more on your hardwork than luck. Shani is sitting in your 4th house of hapiness and is Vakri and also its conjunct with Mangal which is also Retrograde. I would advise that you should do alot of hardwork as that is what Shani wants you to do. After 2nd September 2009 should be a more easy going time for you.
You are Manglik.
After November 2009 itself things should become better for you. Currently Jupiter which is lord of 7th house as well as 10th and responsible for you promotions, marriage, work, honor is again going to become conjunct with Rahu. Thats why I am saying that this year wont be that much fruitful for you. From next year onwards things should improve substatntially and ofcourse the Mercury Antardasha beginning 2nd September 2011 will be good for you and last till 8th December 2013. This period should get you settled fully.
I feel you should get good education. I feel you should be a post graduate and you should have a philosophical bent of mind.
2. As you are Manglik think of marriage from 2010 onwards and not before that. Anyway you have better time starting from 2010.
3. Well I dont think you are going to be very rich but God will grant you enough and good for leading a happy life. Dont worry about your finances. You should lead a middle to upper middle class life.
God Bless You
Feel free to ask further queries and provide feedback.
Your valuable feedback would help me learn further as Astrology is a continuos learning process.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Following are the replies to your queries -
1. You are going to have an average luck in life. I think you will depend more on your hardwork than luck. Shani is sitting in your 4th house of hapiness and is Vakri and also its conjunct with Mangal which is also Retrograde. I would advise that you should do alot of hardwork as that is what Shani wants you to do. After 2nd September 2009 should be a more easy going time for you.
You are Manglik.
After November 2009 itself things should become better for you. Currently Jupiter which is lord of 7th house as well as 10th and responsible for you promotions, marriage, work, honor is again going to become conjunct with Rahu. Thats why I am saying that this year wont be that much fruitful for you. From next year onwards things should improve substatntially and ofcourse the Mercury Antardasha beginning 2nd September 2011 will be good for you and last till 8th December 2013. This period should get you settled fully.
I feel you should get good education. I feel you should be a post graduate and you should have a philosophical bent of mind.
2. As you are Manglik think of marriage from 2010 onwards and not before that. Anyway you have better time starting from 2010.
3. Well I dont think you are going to be very rich but God will grant you enough and good for leading a happy life. Dont worry about your finances. You should lead a middle to upper middle class life.
God Bless You
Feel free to ask further queries and provide feedback.
Your valuable feedback would help me learn further as Astrology is a continuos learning process.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Stock Market & Astrology
Dear All,
I was trying to find some correlation between Jupiter being significator for wealth and Sensex.
On May 1st 2009 Jupiter moved from 10th Rashi being in Neecha state to 11th Rashi. After May and in June we saw Sensex moving upwards and also the big upswing in Sensex despite Elections.
Around June 16th Sensex became Retrograde. So after mid of June we are seeing that Sensex started giving resistance at 15000 and was hovering between 14500 to 15000. Now Jupiter is constantly moving again towards 10th Rashi in which it would again become Neecha. We already see that Sensex is agian going down. Today i.e. 8th July 2009 it broke the 14000 barrier. So there is some correlation appearing.
Now on July 31st Jupiter would again enter 10th Rashi i.e. Makar and become Neecha. So I feel that Sensex would further go down and by July end it would have fallen substantially.
Now lets look at Mercury. Mercury is currently in Mithun Rashi i.e. 3rd. Mercury is often associated with business. It makes a person business-minded and gives good reasoning and decision-making power and hence automatically becomes important for business.
Now Mercury will also enter Karka Rashi i.e. Cancer at around Mid July 15th/16th July. At this time Rahu will directly aspect Mercury i.e. 7th Aspect. I feel that in mid-july we should see a significant downward trend in Sensex although downtrend has already started but we should see events like a massive step down in a short period say a day around this point of time.
For all those who are reading this, please note the following -
1. I am using Gocharas to predict and analyze this.
2. Please feel free to write to me with your comments and added knowledge which I will post here so that collective wisdom is gathered.
Looking forward for co-operation from all the readers of this Blog
God Bless All
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
I was trying to find some correlation between Jupiter being significator for wealth and Sensex.
On May 1st 2009 Jupiter moved from 10th Rashi being in Neecha state to 11th Rashi. After May and in June we saw Sensex moving upwards and also the big upswing in Sensex despite Elections.
Around June 16th Sensex became Retrograde. So after mid of June we are seeing that Sensex started giving resistance at 15000 and was hovering between 14500 to 15000. Now Jupiter is constantly moving again towards 10th Rashi in which it would again become Neecha. We already see that Sensex is agian going down. Today i.e. 8th July 2009 it broke the 14000 barrier. So there is some correlation appearing.
Now on July 31st Jupiter would again enter 10th Rashi i.e. Makar and become Neecha. So I feel that Sensex would further go down and by July end it would have fallen substantially.
Now lets look at Mercury. Mercury is currently in Mithun Rashi i.e. 3rd. Mercury is often associated with business. It makes a person business-minded and gives good reasoning and decision-making power and hence automatically becomes important for business.
Now Mercury will also enter Karka Rashi i.e. Cancer at around Mid July 15th/16th July. At this time Rahu will directly aspect Mercury i.e. 7th Aspect. I feel that in mid-july we should see a significant downward trend in Sensex although downtrend has already started but we should see events like a massive step down in a short period say a day around this point of time.
For all those who are reading this, please note the following -
1. I am using Gocharas to predict and analyze this.
2. Please feel free to write to me with your comments and added knowledge which I will post here so that collective wisdom is gathered.
Looking forward for co-operation from all the readers of this Blog
God Bless All
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 872009(3)
Dear Token - 872009(3)
My predictions for you are as follows -
First of all let me tell you that your Jupiter Mahadasha will start from 21st February 2012 till 29th February 2028. This would be a very good period for you. Thats why remember this that good times are coming.
You should wear Panna stone for Mercury. Do Ganesha Ji puja and most suitable is Vishnu Sahastranaam. Do it on Wednesdays. By 2nd week of December things should substantially improve regarding your work. And same year end is when things should become favorable for your marriage.
Please feel free to ask any other queries and provide feedback. Kindly remember that I too learn whenever I get your valuable feedback.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
My predictions for you are as follows -
First of all let me tell you that your Jupiter Mahadasha will start from 21st February 2012 till 29th February 2028. This would be a very good period for you. Thats why remember this that good times are coming.
You should wear Panna stone for Mercury. Do Ganesha Ji puja and most suitable is Vishnu Sahastranaam. Do it on Wednesdays. By 2nd week of December things should substantially improve regarding your work. And same year end is when things should become favorable for your marriage.
Please feel free to ask any other queries and provide feedback. Kindly remember that I too learn whenever I get your valuable feedback.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token - 872009(2)
Dear Token 872009(2),
My predictions for you are as given below -
1. You are Karka Lagna and Vrishabh Rashi.
Your Lagna lord Chandrama is in 11th house. Your Mars in of Uchcha in 7th house. Your Lagna Lord Chandrma is of Uchcha in Vrishabha Rashi. Your Venus being lord of 4th and 11th house is in 9th house in Kumbha Rashi and of Uchcha.
You have Kala Sarpa Dosha. Though in your case So may planets are well placed that effect of Kala Sarpa Dosha would be negated.
2. You are in your Rahu Mahadasha and Moon antardasha. Moon antardasha is good for which started from 17th April 2009. Your Mangal Antardasha will start from 17th October 2010 which would again be very good for you.
Rahu Mahadasha on the whole wont be a good time for you. It would comprise of struggles leading to mental strife. In between good news would be there. But Rahu Mahadasha would be over in 5th November 2011.
3. You should be a bold person with good enthusiasm. You will have good leadership qualities. However Shani-Chandrama yuti in 11th house means at times you tend to get influenced by other peoples' opinion and act and you end up being misunderstood by people.
You are Manglik
Please give me a feedback and feel free to ask specific queries if you find me wothwhile.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
My predictions for you are as given below -
1. You are Karka Lagna and Vrishabh Rashi.
Your Lagna lord Chandrama is in 11th house. Your Mars in of Uchcha in 7th house. Your Lagna Lord Chandrma is of Uchcha in Vrishabha Rashi. Your Venus being lord of 4th and 11th house is in 9th house in Kumbha Rashi and of Uchcha.
You have Kala Sarpa Dosha. Though in your case So may planets are well placed that effect of Kala Sarpa Dosha would be negated.
2. You are in your Rahu Mahadasha and Moon antardasha. Moon antardasha is good for which started from 17th April 2009. Your Mangal Antardasha will start from 17th October 2010 which would again be very good for you.
Rahu Mahadasha on the whole wont be a good time for you. It would comprise of struggles leading to mental strife. In between good news would be there. But Rahu Mahadasha would be over in 5th November 2011.
3. You should be a bold person with good enthusiasm. You will have good leadership qualities. However Shani-Chandrama yuti in 11th house means at times you tend to get influenced by other peoples' opinion and act and you end up being misunderstood by people.
You are Manglik
Please give me a feedback and feel free to ask specific queries if you find me wothwhile.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
Token 872009
Dear Token 872009,
Replies to your queries are as given below -
1. Agreed that you have Vrischika Lagna and its in 8th house. But Remember that 8th house is the house of age, ups and downs, mysterious things, sixth sense.. Good 8th house can make a person a legend to be remembered many years after death also. Good example is Shri Amitabh Bachchan Ji. He has good 8th house and we all know he has had ups and downs like his ABCL company almost made him bankrupt, he had a near death experience during the shooting of film Coolie etc. But he has arisen again to come out of all such things. 8th house is also the house of sudden gains like profits etc.
I agree that you should try to strengthen your Lagna Lord. For that you should at the onset start Hanuman Chalisa Paath. Then there are many Pujas for Mangal. We have Ashtotrat Namawlis for all planets. You should do Ashtotrat Namawli for Mangal. You should do it by yourself. Its easy and is not time consuming. Another Puja is Navgrah Kavach. This Puja is for all planets and its beneficial for one and all.
2. As far as Kemdruma Yoga is concerned. As far as I know it does amount to Kemdruma Yoga. But before reaching to any conclusions it is necessary to have a very layman understanding of Kemdruma Yoga. From whatever I have heard, moon is significator of your thoughts, Mann ka Karaka, feelings etc. If Moon has no planets on either side then there are not enough triggers caused by planets on either side to stir the feelings ultimately leading to thought and subsequent actions.
Now Your Lagna Lord Mangal aspects Moon. Lagna lord will give positive power to Moon. It is said that Kemdruma yoga may lead to poverty but then you have to check 2nd house, its Lord, aspects on 2nd house, 11th house, 9th house etc to really decide that. 11th house is house of income. 2nd house is of money. 9th house is for Fortune. Somewhere I studied Argala which in layman term means effect of other houses having influence on the house being studied.
Now your Lord of 2nd house is aspecting 2nd house sitting in 8th house, that means seeing its own house. Jupiter is also the natural Karaka for money and is Lord of 2nd house.
Such things are in your favor and against the effect of poverty.
One more thing that I would like to say is that 8th house is 2nd from 7th house. Now for every house, 2nd house enriches it and 12th house is Vyaya bhaav leading to its expenditure. Thats why 2nd house in Lagna is Dhana Bhaav and 12th house is Vyaya Bhaav. Hence for 7th house which is also the house of business, 8th house is 2nd from 7th house. That means responsible for enriching it. So you may do well in business.
3. Yes your Lord of 10th house is in 10th house and swarashi. In your horoscope 7 out of nine planets are in 8th to 12th houses. I have 8 out of 9 planets from 9th to 12th house. Remember all the houses are arranged as per your age as follows -
House 1 - When a person is born, physical existence comes. 1st house signifies Body.
House 2 - Responsible for Kutumba or a person's House which is the next important thing for a baby.
House 3 - Then a person makes friends, borthers, sisters and hence the 3rd house.
House 4 - A person joins school, mother takes good care of child when he/she is school going.
House 5 - A person becomes independent, decidies what education to take, may fall in love. Hence 5th house is for love and desires etc.
House 6 - A person goes in Service, develops serious enemies as person is old enough.
House 7 - Person needs a permanant life partner. 7th house is of Marriage, Business Partners, Business.
Then comes House 8 - A Person may face ups and downs, challenges, person will use his/her sixth sense, anticipation of ensuing dangers etc.
etc etc..........
What I am trying to say is that more the planets in the right half of Lagna Chart, means later settlements. I am going throught the same phase.
Your Venus being Lord of 7th house is in Lord of 9th house. Your Sun Antardasha would start from 26th November 2010. This shoud be very good for you. Lord of 7th house in 9th house means Bhagyodaya after Marriage. Venus is also the significator of Wife. Your marriage should happen. After 32 years you should be getting married.
Your Jupiter Mahadasha will be good for you. Infact all antardashas Sun, Moon and Mangal will be good for you.
4. Your Rahu is well placed. But remember Rahu is Kroor Grah by its nature. Secondly Venus is Lord of 7th house and 12th house. That means its Marakesh and Vyayaesh. So these are the roles of Venues in your horoscope. Hence I wont rate this period as very fruitful for you.
The Gocharas have been very bad and will remain bad throughout 2009. In 2nd week of 2009 Jupiter will come out of its Neecha Rashi. Currently its retrograde and again going in Neecha Rashi.
So hold on and have patience. Your horoscope is good and your fruitful Dashas are coming.
5. Regarding marriage I have already written in aforementioned points.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah.
Any further queries/feedback are welcome.
Replies to your queries are as given below -
1. Agreed that you have Vrischika Lagna and its in 8th house. But Remember that 8th house is the house of age, ups and downs, mysterious things, sixth sense.. Good 8th house can make a person a legend to be remembered many years after death also. Good example is Shri Amitabh Bachchan Ji. He has good 8th house and we all know he has had ups and downs like his ABCL company almost made him bankrupt, he had a near death experience during the shooting of film Coolie etc. But he has arisen again to come out of all such things. 8th house is also the house of sudden gains like profits etc.
I agree that you should try to strengthen your Lagna Lord. For that you should at the onset start Hanuman Chalisa Paath. Then there are many Pujas for Mangal. We have Ashtotrat Namawlis for all planets. You should do Ashtotrat Namawli for Mangal. You should do it by yourself. Its easy and is not time consuming. Another Puja is Navgrah Kavach. This Puja is for all planets and its beneficial for one and all.
2. As far as Kemdruma Yoga is concerned. As far as I know it does amount to Kemdruma Yoga. But before reaching to any conclusions it is necessary to have a very layman understanding of Kemdruma Yoga. From whatever I have heard, moon is significator of your thoughts, Mann ka Karaka, feelings etc. If Moon has no planets on either side then there are not enough triggers caused by planets on either side to stir the feelings ultimately leading to thought and subsequent actions.
Now Your Lagna Lord Mangal aspects Moon. Lagna lord will give positive power to Moon. It is said that Kemdruma yoga may lead to poverty but then you have to check 2nd house, its Lord, aspects on 2nd house, 11th house, 9th house etc to really decide that. 11th house is house of income. 2nd house is of money. 9th house is for Fortune. Somewhere I studied Argala which in layman term means effect of other houses having influence on the house being studied.
Now your Lord of 2nd house is aspecting 2nd house sitting in 8th house, that means seeing its own house. Jupiter is also the natural Karaka for money and is Lord of 2nd house.
Such things are in your favor and against the effect of poverty.
One more thing that I would like to say is that 8th house is 2nd from 7th house. Now for every house, 2nd house enriches it and 12th house is Vyaya bhaav leading to its expenditure. Thats why 2nd house in Lagna is Dhana Bhaav and 12th house is Vyaya Bhaav. Hence for 7th house which is also the house of business, 8th house is 2nd from 7th house. That means responsible for enriching it. So you may do well in business.
3. Yes your Lord of 10th house is in 10th house and swarashi. In your horoscope 7 out of nine planets are in 8th to 12th houses. I have 8 out of 9 planets from 9th to 12th house. Remember all the houses are arranged as per your age as follows -
House 1 - When a person is born, physical existence comes. 1st house signifies Body.
House 2 - Responsible for Kutumba or a person's House which is the next important thing for a baby.
House 3 - Then a person makes friends, borthers, sisters and hence the 3rd house.
House 4 - A person joins school, mother takes good care of child when he/she is school going.
House 5 - A person becomes independent, decidies what education to take, may fall in love. Hence 5th house is for love and desires etc.
House 6 - A person goes in Service, develops serious enemies as person is old enough.
House 7 - Person needs a permanant life partner. 7th house is of Marriage, Business Partners, Business.
Then comes House 8 - A Person may face ups and downs, challenges, person will use his/her sixth sense, anticipation of ensuing dangers etc.
etc etc..........
What I am trying to say is that more the planets in the right half of Lagna Chart, means later settlements. I am going throught the same phase.
Your Venus being Lord of 7th house is in Lord of 9th house. Your Sun Antardasha would start from 26th November 2010. This shoud be very good for you. Lord of 7th house in 9th house means Bhagyodaya after Marriage. Venus is also the significator of Wife. Your marriage should happen. After 32 years you should be getting married.
Your Jupiter Mahadasha will be good for you. Infact all antardashas Sun, Moon and Mangal will be good for you.
4. Your Rahu is well placed. But remember Rahu is Kroor Grah by its nature. Secondly Venus is Lord of 7th house and 12th house. That means its Marakesh and Vyayaesh. So these are the roles of Venues in your horoscope. Hence I wont rate this period as very fruitful for you.
The Gocharas have been very bad and will remain bad throughout 2009. In 2nd week of 2009 Jupiter will come out of its Neecha Rashi. Currently its retrograde and again going in Neecha Rashi.
So hold on and have patience. Your horoscope is good and your fruitful Dashas are coming.
5. Regarding marriage I have already written in aforementioned points.
God Bless You
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah.
Any further queries/feedback are welcome.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Prediction about Congress Comes out true
As predicted my prediction about Congress emerging stronger post elections has come out true. Refer my post dated 21-7-2008. This is heartening for me as a learner of astrology.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumate Namah
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